Business Utilities

Accounting Software (Standard Edition) keeps track of all financial management activities and business transactions. Management accounting utility helps to calculate total business profit and helps to evaluate financial health of company.

Accounting Software (Enterprise Edition) helps to maintain account records, sales/purchase details and other business information. Barcode functionality overcomes manual data entry errors , generate and access accounting information accurately.

Employee Software maintains employee scheduling task such as staff in/out details, shift records, attendance, tour-training details and leave details with complete salary details at one place.

Tour and Training Management Software manage company staff member’s tour and training scheduling task. Software generates useful tour and training reports along with employees’ details.

Purchase Order Management software provides solution to streamline all sales-purchase process of company. PO Management program helps to create and maintain customer-vendor records, sales-purchase records and item details.

Purchase Order Management (Multi – Company Edition) software helps to manage your all purchase records, sales details, customers/vendor record and other item transaction records of multiple companies.